18 Marketing Objectives Addressed by Content Marketing


Was tasked the other day by a potential client with providing a list of marketing objectives that are addressed by Content Marketing.

While not exhaustive by any means, I came up with eighteen…and would invite all to add to the figure.

Sheepishly, I admit that none of these include a numerical goal or time period, both requirements of a true marketing objective.  That said, when I printed out the list, I was so pleasantly surprised on how many key challenges strategic content addresses.

Again, feel free to add:

  1. Customer acquisition
  2. Customer retention
  3. Cross-sell
  4. Up-sell
  5. Loyalty
  6. Churn reduction
  7. Advocacy
  8. Reputation Management
  9. Branding
  10. Awareness
  11. SEO
  12. Thought Leadership
  13. Lead generation/formulation
  14. Increase Customer LTV
  15. Integration
  16. Internal communications
  17. Stakeholder/shareholder communications
  18. Increase share of wallet

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